2022 • Colour • 11min
“Clutch up, back to gas pedal, release, and again, then straighten the steering wheel… ”Wen-Xiong Lee kept grumbling while his son, Yang Lee, clumsily drove this manual car owned by his old man. Can the father and son mend their relationship just like how Yang lee was trying to figure out the best clutch-control?
編劇 / 導演 / 剪接 / 調光
★ 第六屆 We 愛 • 兩岸青年短片大賽|入圍
★ 第十四屆關渡電影節「更模糊的地方」單元 KDFF|入圍
★ 2022 青春影展 Youth Film Festival|入圍
★ 其中短片頻道 Together We Film|第五季學生劇情短片組補助|獲選